Nail salons provide a range of services to keep your feet and hands looking great. There are many nail salons that offer manicures and pedicures. Some of these treatments can come with health risks, which should not be ignored. Gel Manicures & ...

A lot of sugar processed can cause serious health problems. It can also happen when you consume foods with added sugars, as they can cause metabolic diseases and type 2 diabetics. You are then at a greater risk of heart disease. Sugar ...

Recent research indicates that non-ablative fractional treatment of basal and squamous skin cancers significantly reduced the risk of cancer recurrence in patients. Dr. The director of Dermatology Laser and Cosmetic Center in Massachusetts, Dr. Mathew Avram has said that it is not ...

There’s something about being an avid fan that brings excitement, joy and a feeling of community. Our deep bond with our team can sometimes bring us feelings of pride and happiness. Our teams can also cause us to feel great frustration, ...

Turmeric is a spice that is commonly used in Indian cooking. It has many health benefits. Turmeric has been touted for its ability to cure a variety of ailments, from reducing inflammation and improving brain function. Is it worth all the ...

Nearly everyone will experience back pain to some extent at some time in their life. Back pain is caused by many factors including bad posture, poor posture, stress and muscle strain. It can also be caused by medical conditions. The pain ...

The gluteus maximus, the gluteus medius and the gluteus minimus are the three muscles in the buttocks that have the most power and strength. The gluteus maximus is the largest. These muscles are essential for many body functions including running, sitting and ...

The 29th of February is a very rare day. This only happens once every four year. The European Organisation for Rare Diseases (EORD) declared and celebrated Rare Disease Day for first time in 2008. In years without a leap-year, the 28th ...

Virtual reality is the use of computer technologies to create a simulated, immersive and interactive environment. This can be experienced using a headset or any other device. While most people associate VR with gaming, it can also be used in ...

Pets can be a great addition to a household. Pets bring us joy and companionship, but can also leave unsightly stains or odors. With the right products and cleaning tips, you can make your home clean and safe. Use these ...